Thursday, August 18, 2011

Orange County Vinyl Trim: The Smart Choice

The trimming used around the windows and doors of a home can be quite expensive both in their initial purchase and their repair, maintenance, and replacement. Traditional house trimming is made from various sorts of wood which we all know is prone to things like mold, mildew, rot, splintering, and chipping among other things.

As a result of all the problems and hassles that come along with wood trimming not to mention it's initial high initial cost, many a homeowner have turned to DuraTrim for all of their house trimming needs. DuraTrim is essentially an Orange County vinyl trim that offers homeowners a great deal of advantages over traditional wood trim. Orange County vinyl trimming isn't prone to rot, chipping, peeling, or any of the other things that wood trimming is nor is it difficult to install and it lasts for decades with almost no maintenance whatsoever. Best of all however vinyl trimming is fire retardant as well as moisture and termite proof.

We carry a whole host of DuraTrim products and if you're looking for an alternative to wood trimming be sure to contact us with any questions you might have so that we may be of assistance!

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